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Maximize Your Child's Potential, Beat the Odds & Win the competitive college admissions game

We position high-achieving students as the top choice for their dream universities.

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How To Win The Million Dollar College Admissions Game

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What We Do

We help outstanding students get admitted into highly competitive and prestigious universities.

Our unique process combines hands-on student guidance with cutting-edge marketing and branding strategies.

Bird eye angle of Harvard Campus
"To Get Into the Ivy League, ‘Extraordinary’ Isn’t Always Enough These Days"
– Wall Street Journal

“Luck always seems to be against the person who depends on it.”

–Ukrainian Wisdom

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Our Process

We reduce admissions complexity for parents and students by focusing on the 20% of actions that produce 80% of the results.

Number zero and one "01" with black border.

Student Success

Elevating student's performance to dominate highly-competitive environments.

Number zero and two "02" with black border.

Student Branding & Positioning

Cultivating unique student brands for unrivaled positioning.

Number zero and three "03" with black border.

Golden Ticket Application

Strategic packaging, guidance, and profile optimization.

First-Mover Advantage

Students begin their journey with us as early as 6th grade. We lay the foundations for success to assure their admission into their dream universities.

Yale University Commons Dining Hall, with a sepia filter.
Berry College. Stone building with arched hallways and green lawns and man-made pond.

Our Services

Our College Admissions Concierge package is the highest level of service we offer to our clients.

Click the button below to schedule an introductory consultation and learn more about our admissions packages.
Berry College. Stone building with arched hallways and green lawns and man-made pond.

Success Stories

Neil's Case Study
Got into top colleges, Including CalTech.
  • Circumstances: Son was a rising senior looking to apply into STEM programs at top colleges.
  • Problem: The parents did not come from an academic background and knew little about college admissions. The student was a great athlete but Covid had derailed the athletic recruitment process that the family had been counting on. The student had very strong academics but extracurriculars were not fully aligned and they did not know how to stand out for top colleges.
  • Outcome: We helped the student find his strategic edge by highlighting his unique background and helping with strategic selection of his major. His college essay was emotionally impactful and this helped him to secure acceptance at top colleges including CalTech. He also received a Presidential scholarship at a highly ranked public research university.
Jsq Appt Kaur
October 4, 2022 •
"She is a very honest, talented and accomplished person and it shows when you work with her. In the meetings she has had with my daughter I have found her to be not strictly time-bound but go beyond her paid time when discussions seemed fruitful and outcomes required more of her time. She does her research based on Student’s background, school and profile to come up with the best strategy to present the student’s story."
Vinhu's Case Study
After identifying my son's strengths, we got a short-term and multi-year development plan.
  • Circumstances: The parents, one of whom is a former university professor, are highly educated and their 6th grade son is showing exceptional talent and potential in math and science.
  • Problem: After moving to a new city and enrolling their son in a competitive middle school, the parents wanted to create a plan to help their son achieve his dream of attending MIT without risking burnout. They needed assistance in selecting high-impact activities that would support his goals without adding the unnecessary pressure that comes with “doing everything."
  • Outcome: The parents came out feeling empowered and their son gained new confidence. After identifying the son’s strengths and areas for growth, they developed a short-term and multi-year development plan. Dr. Grigas helped them find the right programs and instructors so the parents could take action immediately. The son is excited to pursue his breakthrough project based on the developmental plan.
Tanya Epstein-Pieper
December 10, 2022 •
"He received acceptance to the prestigious California Institute of Technology. There is NO WAY we could have done this without Dr. Grigas. She taught my son how to take his incredible work and shine in the eyes of admissions officers."
Daniel's Case Study
Got a road map for my children's middle and high school education.
  • Circumstances: First generation family from Silicon Valley with two kids in 3rd and 5th grade.
  • Problem: Parents were looking for guidance in their children’s education path and feeling overwhelmed with lots of activities that their kids were doing without a clear aim or results. They had seen their friends’ kids get rejected from their choice colleges and were looking for a roadmap to get their kids prepared for STEM majors at competitive colleges.
  • Outcome: The family gained a roadmap for their children's middle and high school years. Through the program they were able to uncover their children’s unique strengths and weaknesses and took action on it. Their older child is already demonstrating notable achievements in his talent area and their younger child is on track to do so too.
Payeli Majumder
August 4, 2022 •
"This program helped us align my kids' passion and pathway based on their individual strengths. Before this mentorship program, my kids were doing many extra curricular activities without focus and without the results we wanted. After this program, we know about the right choices when it comes to extra curricular activities as per their strengths to build their capstone achievement."
Tanya Epstein-Pieper
January 30, 2023 •
"The Computer Science program is number 1. This program also gives them the option to have a computer science minor. My son officially has life changing options between this and The California Institute of Technology. Dr. Agnia Grigas guidance with the application and essays was the difference maker in my sons acceptance to these elite programs. She showed my son how to take his hard work and stand out. I'm forever grateful"
Lindsey's Case Study
Got accepted to Occidental College and received merit scholarship from half a dozen colleges.
  • Circumstances: Daughter was burned out. She needed motivation and mentoring to convince her to apply to college.
  • Problem: Despite being a good student, the daughter was feeling burned out by junior year and even questioned applying to colleges, especially competitive colleges. She hoped to take a gap year. The daughter did not want her mom to be involved in the application process as mother-daughter relations had reached a tense point. Dr. Grigas was brought to serve as the mentor and guide to help put together a college list and to complete the applications with the daughter with the limitation of only working on the applications 1 hour a week.
  • Outcome: After creating a strong college list and gaining renewed motivation, the daughter completed all her applications early. Her unique background and unusual activities coupled with solid applications, brought success. She received sizable merit scholarships ($30K annually) from half a dozen colleges, including the University of Colorado, and was accepted at her first choice college, Occidental.
Annie Jones
January 22, 2023 •
"Dr. Grigas took what was a rather nebulous dream of somehow gaining admission to top colleges and led us in creating a concrete approach to make that dream a real possibility. Throughout the process Dr. Grigas and her team of top notch assessors were warm, responsive, and knowledgeable."
Katie's Case Study
Got accepted to two top engineering programs and several scholarship offers
  • Circumstances: Daughter was a rising senior in New Jersey who wanted to apply to engineering programs.
  • Problem: The parents sought our help for college essays and applications, however, they were unaware of the importance of branding the daughter to stand out, particularly in the Tri-State region where she was applying to engineering majors. While the student had a strong GPA and extracurriculars, her curriculum rigor and SAT scores were average for the colleges she was aiming for.
  • Outcome: We helped the student craft a unique positioning for engineering through her essay, supplementals, and application. As a result, she received acceptance letters from two top engineering programs and merit scholarship offers from several second tier colleges.
Chethana Ananthaiah
December 17, 2022 •
"Being from a typical small middle-class family in India to coming where I am today, I want to build on whatever our parents did for us, so I can take education to next level for my son. It was really beneficial for me to learn what it takes to get into these highly competitive colleges. I don't feel helpless now. I know the information. I have the timeline. I have taken action on my son’s passions."
Lucy Gareys
December 14, 2022 •
"Please celebrate with us! My DD got in to the Davidson Academy's Young Scholars Ambassador Program. They only offer 15 spots for each cycle. Thank you Agnia Grigas for your guidance. We're so grateful for your support!"
Anonymous Parent
February 4, 2023 •
"Dr. Grigas' program has been worth it. We have developed a short-term and multi-year development plan to achieve our child’s goals, including initial plans for the breakthrough project. We are so grateful to have found Dr. Grigas and her team and would highly recommend them to anyone looking to provide the best opportunities for their child's education and future success."

About The Founder

Dr. Agnia Grigas is an education expert and entrepreneur.

She has had more than a million dollars in scholarships granted to her name during her student and professional career...

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Portrait picture of Dr. Agnia Grigas a blonde woman looking serious to the left side wearing a black jacket.


What services do you offer?

We do not offer individual services.

Our packages are customized to our clients needs to ensure their best results, you can see our list of services below.

  • Targeted Extracurriculars Counseling
  • Breakthrough Achievement Counseling
  • Strategic Edge™ Development
  • College Selection Consulting
  • Major Selection Consulting
  • Personal Statement Writing & Development
  • Supplemental Essay Writing & Development
  • Application Strategy & Submission Consulting
  • Recommendation Letter Consulting
  • College Interview Preparation
  • Waitlist Strategies
Where can I learn more about your packages?

Please schedule a call to inquire about our packages and pricing information.

Tap here to schedule a call.

What's the best age to start with my children?

Short answer: As soon as possible.

Long answer: An early start is the best advantage anyone can give their children, especially if they want to get into prestigious and highly-selective colleges.

When kids start early they gain a “First-Mover Advantage” which means they get more time to prepare, less stress, and more flexibility to adapt to changes compared to the average student.

Instead of rushing to do everything and accomplish nothing at the last minute, a first-mover has, on average, 1500 more hours to prepare (if starting in 8th grade.)

I want my kid to go to an Ivy League, can you help me?

We specialize in admissions to the most prestigious universities in the United States, including all eight Ivy League schools.

Every year, our students gain admission to top undergraduate programs and top 50 universities.

What colleges do your students get accepted to?

Our students have been accepted to all the top universities over the years, including all the Ivies, little Ivies, Stanford, MIT, and others.

Our client's prefer to keep their information and results private and confidential.

To find all public testimonials, visit our Facebook Group or click on this link.

Where can I learn more?

The best place to learn about us is our College Admissions Secrets Group.

This community supports ambitious parents aiming to get their children into highly competitive colleges in the US.

Inside, we share the latest secrets, strategies, and tools to help your children gain admission to top colleges and universities in the United States.

Tap here to join the group.

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